How Your Website May Be Failing You

girl working on laptop

March 13, 2021

1. It’s not mobile-friendly.

Many customers find you through social media apps, right? If they’re considering finally purchasing something on your site, but it doesn’t function or look great on mobile, they’ll probably exit right away. All that work you did on social media to get them to your site goes down the drain.

Quick Fix:

Invest in a web developer or a mobile-friendly theme! Mobile web design is the way of the future and any investment you put into it will pay back, pinky swear.

2. You Don’t Capture Web Traffic.

Think of marketing like a big net that you put out into the world. Without ways to catch these new audience members and keep them coming back, they’ll probably visit your site once, exit, and never see you again.

Quick Fixes:

  • Set up these email capture forms on your website:
    • Pop-up forms (offer a freebie or discount code to sign up)
    • Newsletter sign-up in the footer
    • Email sign-up in blog sidebar
  • Encourage them to follow you on social media (Pinterest, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.)
    • Add an auto-loading Instagram feed in your footer
    • Add social follow buttons across your website (footer, sidebar, header)

3. Your offering isn’t clear.

According to research from Building a StoryBrand, within five seconds of visiting your site, your audience should be able to determine

  1. What you do or sell
  2. How that can make their lives better, and
  3. What they need to do to purchase.

Any confusion wastes “brain calories” and they’ll be more likely to exit before getting to know you.

Quick Fixes:

  • Be extra clear about what you do or sell immediately on your home page. If you’re struggling, a copywriter would be happy to help you!
  • Mention how this product or service will help your client, for example:
    • XYZ helps you [save time, etc.]
    • [Product] makes your life [adjective]
  • Add clear call-to-action buttons for next steps, for example:
    • Tell Me More >
    • Buy Now >
    • Read More >
    • I’m Ready to Invest >
    • Fill Out Contact Form >

4. Your website doesn’t reflect your audience.

If your audience doesn’t resonate with your aesthetic or copy, they’re less likely to buy from you, plain and simple. Your branding design, copy and web layout should speak to your audience and make them want to hang out with you!

Quick Fix:

Invest in a brand and/or website designer. Branding is the foundation of your business-when done well, it will allow you to charge more and make more sales down the road. It’s the best investment you can make and a professional will do the research to get your branding right.

Did any of these cause you to make changes to your website? Let us know in comments!

P.S. We have a holistic auditing service coming soon—stay tuned! 🙂

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