Pin Design

what's inside

There’s a lot more that goes into designing a pin than aesthetics. That’s why making a pin look good can take hours. There’s color choice, readability, good copy and pin size–but you don’t have to learn any of that because we’ll do the heavy lifting for you.

pin design

  • 35 fresh pins per month made in Canva
  • Varied set of pin sizes, depending on your niche
  • A recorded guide for how to upload pins

Keyword Research

what's inside

After scrolling through Pinterest’s heavy visuals, you may not realize that one of the most important aspects of a successful Pinterest account is keyword research. Let us be the Pinterest detectives—we always have a pulse on which keyword phrases are trending in your niche and this service will help you stay ahead of the game.

keyword research

  • A bank of 75 keyword phrases to use in pin titles and descriptions
  • A bank of 20 Idea Pin tags
  • A Monthly Pinterest Strategy so you’re not blindly posting pins
  • What the kids are pinning—we’ll send a Trends Report
  • A recorded guide for where to use the keyword phrases
  • The latest algorithm updates

Ready to Reflect Your Magic?