Pinterest Data: 6 Types of Holiday Shoppers

August 26, 2021

Pinterest recently released a report called Six Types of Festive-Season Shoppers. Here’s how to interpret this data and use it in your Pinterest strategy!

1. The Early Bird

Pinterest says:

“Most people on Pinterest are planners, but the early bird takes things to a whole other level. Before they’ve even stowed away this year’s festive décor, the early bird is already plotting next year’s festivities. Always on the lookout for bargains, they’ll snap up gifts and other festive season items all throughout the year. They’re also already looking into travel during the festive period – and will pull the trigger on buying tickets as soon as they feel it’s safe to move around.”

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • Pin holiday-related content all year round (not constantly, but occasionally)
  • Make pin text compelling for these types of shoppers (for ex., get your holiday shopping list finished early, etc.)
  • If you’re a blogger in the travel industry, consider pinning winter travel pins

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Online Shops
  • Travel Bloggers
  • Home Bloggers
  • Hospitality Companies (Restaurants, Hotels, Airbnbs, etc.)
  • Artists

2. The Traditionalist

Pinterest says:

“A stickler when it comes to festive season customs, the traditionalist pretty much follows the same rituals year after year. Still, they do love finding fresh takes on old favourites, such as a new way to do a roast dinner or a toy that reminds them of their childhood. When it comes to their celebrations, they crave comfort and familiarity. There’s no way in holly hell the traditionalist is going to skip their traditions this year. If anything, they’ll be looking to the festive spirit to help them to regain a sense of normalcy.”

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • Share tips & tricks that put a twist on a tradition; for ex., “how to decorate your mantel in a boho fashion”
  • Create imagery that’s nostalgic
  • Speak to memories & tradition in your header text “Make Traditional Roast with a Peach Twist” or “8 Classic Holiday Movies We Love”

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Online Shops
  • Lifestyle Bloggers

3. The Self-Gifter

Pinterest says:

“Mindful that the festivities can bring stress as well as joy, the self-gifter looks out for number one. For self-gifters, the festive season means ‘me’ time just as much as it does family time. Self-care days are a festive season staple. And why wait for Santa to bring you what’s on your list when you can buy it yourself? The self-gifter finds a way to make the festive magic happen, on their own. “

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • Use headline & pin text that appeals to self-gifting, for ex. “Treat Yourself,” “Self-Care,” “Relax,” “You Deserve it”
  • General Holiday Gift Guide pins should say “gifts for women” rather than “for friends”

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Service-Based Businesses (Hair Stylists, Salons, Designers, Photographers, Business Coaches)
  • Online Shops
  • Fashion/Lifestyle Bloggers
  • Travel Bloggers
  • Home Bloggers
  • Beauty Bloggers
  • Artists

4. The Amateur Host

Pinterest says:

“With festive season travel likely to be up in the air, many will find themselves thrust into a new role: The amateur host. These newbies will need help – and lots of it. They’ll be looking for festive cocktails and easy-to-make appetisers along with winning suggestions for festive season mainstays. They’ll also need to gear up, getting everything from wine glasses to decorative lights. In short, they’ll be on the hunt for anything that can help them to move from amateur status to pro status – as quickly as possible.”

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • Create lots of how-tos and tutorials for your blog
  • Your beginner hosting products (wine glasses, serving plates, candles, etc.) will probably sell best
  • If creating a gift guide, you can speak to this person with copy like, “Hosting Essentials for the Beginner”
  • Speak to pinners in the 20s age groups, as they’re probably the ones looking up these ideas! Pay attention to their style, lingo & trends

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Home Shops
  • Food Bloggers
  • Lifestyle Bloggers
  • Fashion Bloggers (these people will likely want to look good, too)
  • Home Bloggers

5. The Delivery-First Shopper

Pinterest says:

“Wary of stepping into brick-and-mortar shops, the delivery-first shopper stocks up on all their festive necessities online. Things on their nice list this year: Free delivery, click-and-collect, generous return policies and helpful customer service. In some places, this shopper may be worried about COVID-19. In others, it may be just about steering clear of the festive-season crowds. Whatever the case, the delivery-first shopper is looking to minimise the hassle of the festive season so that they can maximise time with friends and family.

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • First of all, if you’re an online shop, you definitely want to target this person!
  • Make it easy for checkout and product searching–this person will most likely love shoppable pins
  • Offer online discounts, gifts or free shipping

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Any online shop
  • Lifestyle/Fashion Bloggers
  • Home Bloggers

6. The Next-Level Party Planner

Pinterest says:

“With this festive season archetype, nothing is overlooked. Raising the bar every year, the next-level party planner won’t sip their first coupe of champagne until the home is sparkling inside and out. Party outfits for everyone in the household – no matter the age – are an absolute must. For this host with the most, every festive meal that they cook up could grace a food magazine cover. Thanks to their total domination of the festive scene, the next-level party planner can cause the rest of us next-level envy.

Want to Target this shopper? What this means for your Pinterest Strategy:

  • First of all, if you’re an online shop, you definitely want to target this person!
  • Make it easy for checkout and product searching–this person will most likely love shoppable pins
  • Offer online discounts, gifts or free shipping

This Type is Ideal For:

  • Photographers (think about holiday photos!)
  • Lifestyle/Fashion Bloggers
  • Beauty Bloggers
  • Home Bloggers
  • Food Bloggers

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